Consume QueryService and get the results as same as our AOT Queryrun.
The following sample is used to display the customer records with the custgroup ranges.
Create the .Net Solution and add the console project for that solution and write the following program.
before writing the following code we have to take the service reference http://localhost:8101/DynamicsAx/Services/QueryService.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using krishh_cosumeQueryService.QueryService;
using System.Data;
namespace krishh_cosumeQueryService
class TestQueryService
static void Main(string[] args)
QueryServiceClient client = new QueryServiceClient();
DataSet dataSet;
//Set up paging so that 500 records are retrieved at a time
Paging paging = new ValueBasedPaging() { RecordLimit = 500 };
// Query object
QueryMetadata query;
//Datasource for the query
QueryDataSourceMetadata CustTableds;
// Ranges for the datasource
QueryDataRangeMetadata range1, range2;
//sorting object for the Datasource
QueryDataOrderByMetadata sort;
//fields for the query
QueryDataFieldMetadata accountNum, bankAccount, commissionGroup, cashDisc, custGroup;
query = new QueryMetadata();
// Set the properties of the query.
query.QueryType = QueryType.Join;
query.DataSources = new QueryDataSourceMetadata[1];
// Set the properties of the Customers data source.
CustTableds = new QueryDataSourceMetadata();
CustTableds.Name = "Customers DataSource";
CustTableds.Enabled = true;
//Add teh Table to the Datasource
CustTableds.Table = "CustTable";
//Add the data source to the query.
query.DataSources[0] = CustTableds;
// Setting DynamicFieldList property to false so I can specify only a few fields
CustTableds.DynamicFieldList = false;
CustTableds.Fields = new QueryDataFieldMetadata[5];
//Add my fields
accountNum = new QueryDataFieldMetadata();
accountNum.FieldName = "AccountNum";
accountNum.SelectionField = SelectionField.Database;
CustTableds.Fields[0] = accountNum;
bankAccount = new QueryDataFieldMetadata();
bankAccount.FieldName = "BankAccount";
bankAccount.SelectionField = SelectionField.Database;
CustTableds.Fields[1] = bankAccount;
commissionGroup = new QueryDataFieldMetadata();
commissionGroup.FieldName = "CommissionGroup";
commissionGroup.SelectionField = SelectionField.Database;
CustTableds.Fields[2] = commissionGroup;
cashDisc = new QueryDataFieldMetadata();
cashDisc.FieldName = "CashDisc";
cashDisc.SelectionField = SelectionField.Database;
CustTableds.Fields[3] = cashDisc;
custGroup = new QueryDataFieldMetadata();
custGroup.FieldName = "CustGroup";
custGroup.SelectionField = SelectionField.Database;
CustTableds.Fields[4] = custGroup;
//Add a range restriction on the query
range1 = new QueryDataRangeMetadata();
range1.TableName = "CustTable";
range1.FieldName = "CustGroup";
range1.Value = "DK Cust";
range1.Enabled = true;
range2 = new QueryDataRangeMetadata();
range2.TableName = "CustTable";
range2.FieldName = "CustGroup";
range2.Value = "Empl";
range2.Enabled = true;
// add the ranges to the datasource
CustTableds.Ranges = new QueryDataRangeMetadata[2];
CustTableds.Ranges[0] = range1;
CustTableds.Ranges[1] = range2;
//Add a sort order on Customer Account number
sort = new QueryDataOrderByMetadata();
sort.DataSource = "Customers DataSource";
sort.FieldName = "AccountNum";
sort.SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending;
query.OrderByFields = new QueryOrderByMetadata[1];
query.OrderByFields[0] = sort;
// Execute the query
int i = 0;
dataSet = client.ExecuteQuery(query, ref paging);
Console.WriteLine("Number of Records in CustTable: " + dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString());
for(int J=0;J<dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count;J++)
DataRow firstReturnedRow = dataSet.Tables[i].Rows[J];
Console.WriteLine("accountnum=" + firstReturnedRow[0].ToString());
Console.WriteLine("CustGroup=" + firstReturnedRow[4].ToString());
while (((ValueBasedPaging)paging).Bookmark != null);
Hi Krishh,
ReplyDeletein this program, i have to filter the records by "createdDateTime".
Can you please tell me, how to apply filters/ Range for DateTime fields
Balachandar G
Hi Bala,
ReplyDeleteWhen you want to use the DateTime states on Query service against table validTimeState then you have to use the following code
Create StartDate, endDate variables.
queryMetadata.ValidTimeStateQueryType = QueryMetadataServiceReference.ValidTimeStateQueryType.Range;
queryMetadata.ValidTimeStateValidFromDateTime=startDate; queryMetadata.ValidTimeStateValidToDateTime = endDate;
or if you have the Date Field on table
first we have to retrive all fields
This following line will retrieve all fields list in that table
CustTableds.DynamicFieldList = true;
after that you can add range of the Date field and assign the string Range for that column.
Hi Krishna,
ReplyDeleteI have one question,
where / how do you set the companyrange for a specific query ? I do not want to use the crosscompany reference.
Hi Alex,
DeleteNormally you can set the query allowCrossCompany=No(by default it is no) so that it will work for that company.
Hi Krishna, Thanx's for our answer,
Deleteproblem is, that I then only get the data of the current user default company, is there a way to set ( just like a normal service when you use Callcontext ) a different company ? I saw something for the query called CompanyRanges
any idea's one how to uses those ? i still cannot figure that one out. probebly in using the crosscompany ?
Kind regards